binder chain, 3/8″ x 25ft


The 3/8″ x 25ft load binder chain we carry is made from grade 70 steel. The forged hooks on either end are also made from grade 70 material. This heavy-duty chain can tackle any load. You can forget about what you have on your trailer with a 3/8″ x 25ft binder chain around it.

***Grade 70 chains are NOT rated for overhead lifting.***

SKU: TSBC38X25 Category:


binder chain, 3/8 inch x 25 feet

A handful of the binder chain, 3/8 inch x 25 feet may be just what you need to hold an unusually large load. Throw a few 3/8″ chains on that beast of a load and hit the road, knowing that it will not be going anywhere. That is the peace of mind these Grade 70 binder chains will give you. In some circumstances, you may have no use for a 25ft chain. In this case, you may be interested in our 3/8″ x 16ft, TSBC38X16, and x 20ft, TSBC38X20, binder chains. We also carry these three lengths in 5/16″ chain: 16ft, TSBC516X16, 20ft, TSBC516X20, and 25ft, TSBC516X25.

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