cone light, 2½ inch amber LED


This 2½ cone light is a great marker light, often seen on the rear corners of Reitnouer step decks. However, you can use them wherever you wish. Do not forget the rubber grommet, TLGR10700, and the 2-prong pigtail, TLPT2, to complete the light kit for this lamp.

SKU: UP38178 Category:


cone light, 2½ inch amber

cone light, 2½ inch amber. This cone light, 2½ inch amber, also called a beehive light, holds 13  LEDs. A tough amber plastic cover protects the light from bumps and scratches. They make a fine marker light, fitting a  2½ inch rubber grommet,TLGR10700. You will also need a 2-prong pigtail, TLPT2, to complete the list of components you need to mount this light and splice it into the existing wiring on your truck or trailer. We can process and ship your order for the 2½ inch amber cone light within a day or two. If we need to order a stock up to complete your order, you might need to wait several days.

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